Monday, September 20, 2010

the buried life.

There is so much to talk about right now, but for the moment- why don't we all just stop and smell the flowers for a while, little lambs? Today I want to know one thing....
What's on your Bucket List? So much time goes into what is "expected"...What everyone is "supposed" to do with their life, when the real question is; What do you want to do with your life? 
So often we forget how limited our time really is on this little ball of tends to go by in a blink. 

 I think it was the great philosopher, Ferris Bueller that said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Today, in honor of a lovely friend, who at the present moment is in ICU in Barcelona, Spain while she, her parents, the incredible medical staff, and her family and friends back here in the states, fight for her to get well and fulfill her own bucket list- (Check out Anne's story here...

She's an amazing girl, who needs all the support she can get)

I dare you to ask yourself, what do you REALLY want to do before you die? Let your heart do the talking and dare it to look inside and ignite a fire to live your life's passions. If you need a little help, take a look at these cats- The boys of THE BURIED LIFE ...Their show is a hit on MTV (and a personal favorite of mine) and they've devoted themselves to fulfilling their bucket lists, living their buried lives...The name of the show is taken from one of the most amazing poems I've ever read, "The Buried Life" by Matthew Arnold, here is an excerpt;

But often, in the world's most crowded streets,
But often, in the din of strife,
There rises an unspeakable desire
After the knowledge of our buried life;
A thirst to spend our fire and restless force
In tracking out our true, original course;                        50
A longing to inquire
Into the mystery of this heart which beats
So wild, so deep in us--to know
Whence our lives come and where they go.

So that's the question of the day... What do you want to do before your kick it?
Think long and hard, doves. Talk soon!
xoxo - j.

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